Thursday, November 29, 2007

Candidate Match Game

I haven't written an article for The Northern Star in a little while, so my blog has been neglected as of late. I apologize, but I have a little treat for you today.

I took a little time out of my busy writing schedule today to take a little test created by USA Today called the "Candidate Match Game." It asks you multiple choice questions and then compares your answers with the ones they think the various candidates would have given. It was fun to do, and, honestly, was probably the first time I've given more than a fleeting thought to some of the biggest issues involved in the elections.

The test covers the main areas of 1)The Iraq War 2)Immigration 3)Health Care. It also includes a smattering of questions on topics like gay marriage and more general questions about what you look for in a candidate.

The trouble was that oftentimes I agreed with more than one of the multiple choice answers. It tells me I "match" with one candidate more than another, but I also dig what the other candidate is saying.

Anyway, it was interesting to take, and very informative because you can see the positions for every candidate, not just the ones you are "matched" with.

For those of you dying to know, I was ultimately matched with Chris Dodd, John Edwards and Hilary Clinton, matching with all three of them on 7 of the 11 questions. I thought Obama was my man, but we only hooked up on 5 of 'em, though, as I mentioned earlier, I still agreed with his answers on some of the other questions, even though we didn't pick exactly the same one.

I was least matchy with Ron Paul and Tom Tancredo, only answering one question the same with each. Guess I'll stay away from those guys.

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